
Someone was asking me to provide questions to test them for a quiz they were doing. I could think of thousands and it was difficult to narrow it down.  I think that sometimes it is easier to learn things when they come in a sequence that you can link to other knowledge. This gave me the idea of forming a sequence of questions where they next one is linked to the answer to the previous one.

That will form the main chain of questions. What I will also do is have a set of questions in the same post which are on a similar subject.  These will be quite a broad similarity at first but will get narrower as the chain continues.  To get the answers to the Master Chain and the related questions simply click on the link to the next page.  I will also provide links from the subsidiary questions to click on which take you to other question pages that are related so that if you h ave an interest in a particular area you can find your way around.

My intention with the main chain is to try and move between different subjects. For instance I will try to follow a history question with something on another area of knowledge.   I will try to mix up the difficulty level of the questions.

If this seems a little complicated either go to the first question page of the Master Chain HERE  or to the starting point for the General Knowledge quiz  HERE and you should get the idea.

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